nessus security scanner (probes hosts over the network) ----------------------------------------------- G E T T O O L Get the following file from Opus: cd /root scp . ----------------------------------------------- I N S T A L L A T I O N cd / tar xvzf /root/nessus.tar.gz ----------------------------------------------- C O N F I G U R A T I O N cd /etc ldconfig Verify (cat) that /etc/ contains /usr/local/lib nessus-mkcert (default, default, US, CA, Soquel, Rich Simms) nessus-adduser (default accept, [pass] for pw, cntl-d) ----------------------------------------------- Start graphics if not already started. From run level 2: service xfs start startx ----------------------------------------------- S C A N Start nessus daemon: nessusd & Start nessus client: nessus & (log in with user you just added) (plugins: disable cisco, windows, NIS, Netware) ([x] Enable dependencies at run time)